• Wednesday, April 22nd, 2015
Nine of May in Zestoa, X. Congress on Basque Language Origins Euskoeuropeism <> Indoeuropeism Program
Video about Iruña-Veleia : English and Italian version English
Iberian /Basque language discussion.
Angus Huck: British Vasconic
Lorena López de Lacalle: main responsable of non-evidenced accusations in Iruña-Veleia case.Unexpectedly, she goes again in EH Bildu election list of Araba (2nd place)
Relationship between Basque language and paleo-Sardinian
Imanol Agirre: Relationship between Basque language and all World languages
Edward Harris has come back to insist that Iruña-Veleia excavation was properly done by archaeologists (Lurmen)
Interesting News
Social Topics
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• Saturday, April 11th, 2015
• Saturday, March 21st, 2015
How to make false what is true: Iruña-Veleia corruption case
Iberian writing history
Basque Country or Basqueland?
Visits to Euskeraren Jatorria web have increased from 110,000 to 280,000
Discussion about Iberian half-syllabary
Poster sticking in favor of Iruña-Veleia and his accused director Eliseo Gil
About Bermeo Etymology
Interesting News Euros for the High Velocity Train
Basque-Country Bank: Lost origin, lost way
Bowls for the datation
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• Sunday, January 25th, 2015
-ain suffix: Basque or Latin language?
Jose Ramon Rementeria: Le-on, Li-on, La-on…
What in Merida (Badajoz, South West Spain) is true, in Iruña-Veleia (Basque Country) is false
Brief Iberian texts
Aranguren, Elexpuru and Gil opinions about late Basque language appearance
Urmeneta: basque language being
Ribero-Meneses: about Basque language origin
Eduard Selleslagh: Iberian origin of Celtic languages
1.400 euros have been collected in order to dating a Iruña-Veleia graffiti
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• Monday, November 10th, 2014
Money Funding for dating an Iruña-Veleia graffiti
Iberian texts analyses
The Complete Works of Bittor Kapanaga First Book have been published
Discussion goes on film about late Basque language appearance
Jon Nicolas: A genuine Basque geography
Do they want to closing down Berria, a Basque language newspaper?
Mr Gontzal Mendibil in newspaper Deia: “arbola” (tree) may be a Basque word
Are we going to let Basque Bank (Kutxabank) to be privatized?
Galician Language is in danger
Interesting news
Antonio Arnaiz-Villena: the Usko-Mediterranean languages
Iberian roots: doi—dui-duin
Past, present, future?
Friends of Iberians (Amics del ibers, a Catalan Asocciation for Iberian Studies)
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• Sunday, October 12th, 2014
A Jesus Christ image has been found at Jaen (Andalucía, southern Spain) – It dates from about IV Century like Iruña-Veleia graffiti
Basque language and building
An anti-Basque film: “A Basque history: beats of Basque Country”
Akelarre: is it meaning holidays related to grasses and nothing to do with witches?
San Sebastian streets will keep their official name in Spanish language
Arnaiz-Villena: Sardana, the typical Catalan dance
What Scotland has won
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• Friday, September 05th, 2014
Database for studying shouthern Basque Country
2,100 murders, 10,000 wounded people, destruction amounting 4,000 million €
The full papers of Gernika Congress
Religious-Funerary words
A new push to Basque Language
Israel: A archeology discovery was considered to be a fake and later found to be true
Basque from Navarre=Batua?
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• Saturday, August 09th, 2014
Is it possible to create science with actually rejecting science?
Basque Contry or Basqueland?
They are going to sell Kutxabank! Stop stealing, please!
Iberian Place Names
Bittor Kapanaga. Roots and Beings
Aitz: Is this an Indoeuropean or rather a basconic root?
Basque has become official language in French Basque Country.
120 years with a particular Basque flag (Ikurriña).
Martin Elexpuru: They want to condemn Eliseo Gil
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• Monday, June 30th, 2014
Profs. Julio Nuñez and Agustín Azkarate (teaching at Basque Country University) are responsible of Iruña-Veleia affair
Basque-Iberism revisited
“Matajudios”(Killing-Jews): mistakes due to not knowing toponimycs
Iruña-Veleia in the Argia magazine
Joxan Artze: Life is death’s door
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• Tuesday, April 15th, 2014
Do Romanic languages not come from Latin?
IX congress on Basque language at Gernika-May 10th 2014
On Basque Genetics
Basque Toponyms at Pyrenees
Letter sent to Javier de Andrés
Latin and Baque languages found in Iruña-Veleia. Conference at Irale (Gipuzkoa)
Relationship between Iberian and Basque numbers
Tasio is included in Iruña-Oka town council web site +
In short
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