The opinion of Edward Harris
The renowned archaeologist Edward Harris knows perfectly the Iruña-Veleia case since he has visited personally the site and has participated in the 1st International Conference on Iruña-Veleia, where he saw that those who support the falsehood of the findings failed to go to defend their arguments, and, additionally, he requested from Eliseo Gil the field notebooks to examine whether the excavation was performed correctly or not.
In a letter that he has written on this subject, he strongly asserts that nothing like this has ever happened in modern archaeology, that this is a great disgrace for archaeology, not only in the Baskeland, but also in Europe, and that Eliseo Gil and the other archaeologists should be reinstated.
Miguel Thomson’s Report
Twenty five reports have been written in favor of the graffiti’s authenticity. The one written by Thomson details how the whole case was mismanaged since the beginning by the Provincial Government of Alava and by the University of the Baskeland. He also shows that many of the graffiti (supposedly to be fakes) could indeed be genuine, since the same texts have been found in other ancient graffiti and inscriptions.
In his report, he points to the many errors and contradictions in the reports of the expert committee and to the subsequent rectifications made by authors claiming that the Iruña-Veleia findings were fakes. In addition, he points out that these reports, inexplicably, have never been published in scientific journals. Thus, he supports the need to proce-ed to a proper scientific evaluation.
The University of the Baskeland prohibits a speech on Iruña-Veleia
On November 19th, 2015, anniversary of Lurmen’s expulsion from Iruña-Veleia, a speech on Iruña-Veleia was about to take place at the University of the Baskeland. However, the University prohibited it at the last moment. Euskeraren Jatorria (Origins of Basque) association tried to talk to University authorities in order to lift the prohibition. Finally, the speech was given at the University’s hall in inadequate conditions.