• Monday, December 28th, 2015


Lurmen’s expulsion from Iruña-Veleia: 7th anniversary

The commemoration was organized by SOS Iruña-Veleia, Euskeraren Jatorria and Martin Ttipia cultural associations. A demonstration with banners and a march to Bibat Museum (Vitoria-Gasteiz), where the graffiti are probably kept, took place.

On November 21st, in Nanclares, a letter addressed to the President of the Provincial Council asking for the resolution of this issue was read publicly and a small gift was given to Lurmen for its great contribution to Basque culture. Also, a moving act of homage to Eliseo Gil was held in Vitoria-Gasteiz

Some acts carried out on the 7th anniversary of Lurmen’s expulsion from Iruña-Veleia       Tribute to Lurmen


la-conspiracion-de-lorena-lopez- contra Lurmen Euskadi euskararen aurkaEuskadi en contra del euskera

Basque police (Ertzaintza) report has no scientific basis

The Basque police has filed a report stating that the Iruña-Veleia’s graffiti are fakes without providing any evidence for it.

Their only basis is the report by J. V. Navarro, from the IPCE (Spanish Institute for Cultural Heritage), two years ago, which asserted that modern metals were found on the graffiti’s surfaces. However, they did not examine the patinas nor mentioned the presence of concretions covering parts of the graffiti, which are composed of calcium carbonate.

It must be considered that tools that were used to clean all Iruña-Veleia’s graffiti and other ceramic pieces contain modern metals. Thus, it is impossible not to find metal traces from the cleaning tools.

It should be remembered that Eliseo Gil requested 7 years ago the performance of dating analyses on 100 graffiti at international archaeometry laboratories and also of controlled excavations, but the requests were turned down. Instead, the analyses done by Madariaga and Navarro have nothing to do with dating.

Madariaga based his suspicion of forgery on the finding of remains of glue containing modern chemicals. However, this glue was used for sticking ceramic pieces together.

Press conference by Lurmen to refute police’s report


I accuse

Iñaki Aldekoa has written an  article entitled “I accuse”, emulating Émile Zola’s famous letter accusing the President of France of imprisoning innocent Captain Dreyfus without any evidence, in which he strongly criticizes the procedures followed against the Iruña-Veleia archaeologists.

Know Iruña-Veleia’s Treasure

Video (22 min)

Summary in comic

Photographs: grafittis and drawings

Ostrakabase (archaeological info)

Reports favoring the authenticity

First International Conference

Basque language graffiti

Iruña-Veleia’s destruction by the University of the Basque Country

Summary of various reports (ES)

Provincial Government’s actions: a summary (Spanish, 36 p.)

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