EITB is still fooling us with the documentary about the ‘Late Basqueisation’
Iruña-Veleia: trial soon!
Papers by Gascon researcher Philippe Lartigue
Agosti Xaho: The Celts, ‘ezkontza’ (to marry), V and X symbols…
The other black book for Basque? Iruña-Veleia and local language policies…
Rioja region and Basque
Popular myths in official Basque Studies
Arnaiz: Tiwanaku culture of Bolivia and dolmen period in Iberia
Jabi Goitia’s work in three videos and the word ‘Donostia’
Joseba Mintegi: ‘we are because we insist, they will be because they will keep insisting’
Jon Goitia: the words ‘koko’, ‘cabeza’, ‘kokota’, ‘cogote’
Antonio de la Guardia’s new book
We are worried about money being more important than health
Iberian scripts
In short
• Saturday, August 04th, 2018
Section: Jatorriberri Newsletter
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