• Ostirala, Azaroa 08th, 2019
Noiz edo noiz liburu zahar interesgarriak ikustea komeni izaten da. Liburu honetan Juliok euskaliberismoari buruzko kronika zehatz bat egin ondoren (Oienhart, Hervas, Humbost, Schuchardt…), iberierazko hainbat toponimo, deklinabide, etab. sakon aztertu ditu.
Gomez Morenoren proposamenaren defendatzaileetako bat izan zen eta ondorioz Schuchardten proposamen asko zalantzan jarri zituen. Hala ere liburua praktikoa da gaia ikuspegi askotatik lantzen duelako. Hemen antzekotasun batzuk:
Atala: Iberiera, Julio Caro Baroja
Larunbata, 9. Azaroa 2019
Julio Caro Baroja was an orthodox Vascologist who went to great lengths to find non-Vasconic etymologies for Basque words and toponyms. In that regard, he can be regarded as a forerunner of Trask. He was also an anthropologist of international repute whose obituary appeared in English language newspapers.
I know nothing about Julio Gomez Moreno.
The sheet of paper displayed here exhibits some very elementary, indeed crude, errors.
Basque baso “forest, wilderness” quite clearly has no connection whatsoever with Iberian bai and bais “river” and baiser “something”. Basque baso corresponds to Iberian baS (No 2 s-sign in the East Iberian Script). The final /o/ was added under the influence of Romance. It is wholly missing from compounds such as tibaS and baSti “wild pig”.
Iberian baiser “something” is a component metathesis of Basque zerbait. Note how the number 2 r-sign is always used in the East Iberian Script. Basque zer is one of the few residual instances of final lenis /r/.
Iberian bels “black” and beleS “a species of bird” are completely separate words. bels is always written with the No 1 s-sign in the East Iberian Script, and beleS with the No 2 s-sign. In the Upper Garonne region, the Roman Script uses “S” in BELS and “X” in BELEX.